A downloadable game

Play online now!!!: http://tofufighter.jogasoftware.com/

Tofu Fighter is my submission to the OLC Codejam 2020. Going along with the theme of "The Great Machine" I thought it would be fitting to submit a project that embodies this theme. 

Tofu Fighter is a first person shooter project I made for fun in my college days. This game is a giant mish mash of code from many different projects, even different developers. I slapped them all together to make something fun and learn along the way. The code is by no means nice code. In fact, I would advise you not take any notes from the design because it was never intended to be a release quality project. (Only for learning) However, given its nature, I feel it fits well with the theme of the great machine. 

This project is a result of many other working 'machines' that served their purpose and were used and parts taken. Those parts were not discarded though. They have come together to create a new whole. They may be unsightly to look at, but somehow they all seem to work together as a "great machine" for learning and producing a fun game that can be played amongst friends. 

So please, play the game, sift through the code and see how the different parts work as I once did. Take it apart and make something your own and further the great machine. 


"A, W, S, D" - movement

"Left mouse click" - shoot

"~" - chat

"esc" - exit game controls

Chat commands: 

"/name <your name>" - changes player name in the chat



Install instructions

Please refer to the github readme for instructions on running the project locally on your own computer. 

Github Page: https://github.com/JoGa-Software/tofuFighter

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